The Master Collection

Prepare for a career in photography and boost your creative and business skills to ensure longevity as a freelancer. This trio of courses will give you the knowledge, creative skills, industry insights and strategies to succeed as a travel photographer.

Learn online, at your own pace with lifetime access - no time pressure!


Diversify your creative knowledge.

Invest in your photography career.

Prepare your portfolio to work and generate sales.

Find direction, contacts, and confidence as a photographer

An extensive resource to boost your photography career.


Browse through each course page and read about what they offer you as a photographer. If you’re in a position where you’re considering making a side income from your photography, or if you’re looking to change to a creative or freelance career, The Master Collection of courses will be exactly the resource you need access to.

The 3-Week Composition Reset = A creative refresh of your approach to photography and a reset of your composition skills and photographic style.

The Freelance Travel Photographer Course = An inside view of how to work as a travel photographer, how to connect with brands, potential clients and how to get your images published. This course is for you if you’re keen to fund your travels with photography, if you’re already travelling and want to generate an income from your adventures, or…if you’re curious about the possibility of a freelance lifestyle.

The Print Store Launch Pad = A step-by-step course to reduce the overwhelm of selling prints. Each module will guide you through the process of preparing your work, working with print labs, creating an online store and the sales and marketing strategies to ensure people actually know your work exists, and purchase prints.

By enrolling in all 3 courses at once, you’re saving close to 20% off individual course fees.

The Master Creative Course Collection
One time
For 3 months

(Approx $625 USD/ 501 GBP) ON SALE 24HRS Regular price $960. Prepare for a creative career + boost your skills from composition to working on brand campaigns. This master collection of courses bundle includes enrolment in all 3 x courses offered by The Wandering Lens. Receive access to: The 3-Week Composition Reset, The Freelance Travel Photographer Course, and The Print Store Launch Pad with the freedom to learn at your own pace, access downloadable workbooks and creative guides at any time.

✓ A full education on working as a freelance photographer
✓ Creative guidance to improve your photography and get paid!
✓ Learn how to work with clients, find work and get published
✓ Discover how to sell, market and print your work
✓ Get prepared for a creative career as a photographer!


The 3-Week Composition Reset course will have you seeing things differently in no time. Reset your creativity, train your photographic eye, and start to create imagery that’s unique to your interpretation of a scene.


  • Beginners and professionals seeking a creative boost - you don’t need to be an expert photographer, this course will help you improve!

  • It’s for you if you’re feeling stuck and want help gaining motivation and refreshing your approach to photography

  • Anyone wanting to strengthen their composition skills and to capture imagery that makes people say ‘wow’.

By the end of this course you’ll have a greater understanding of who you are as a photographer. You’ll have creative direction, will know what you’re drawn to within a scene and will have the composition skills to capture creative images.


3 x Weekly Modules each with an introduction and topic outline.

Each module includes:

1 x Course Notes Booklet

1 x Challenge Workbook

Both are downloadable PDF booklets so you can refer back to them whenever you need - even when you’re out photographing!

The 3-Week Course timeline is simply a suggestion, your access isn’t restricted and you can begin, work through, or complete the course at your own pace.


The Freelance Travel Photographer Course delves into both the creative and business aspects of working as a travel photographer.

It’s not about going viral or creating content for social media, the course prepares you for longevity in the industry. You’ll learn how to build a professional portfolio that will provide the chance to approach brands, publications, and to work on campaigns that connect with your passions, adventures, and a creative career path.

  • Master the art of storytelling, find direction as a photographer and get published.

  • Learn what fees to charge as a freelancer & which services to offer

  • How to network & find crucial contacts in the travel industry

  • Proven pitch strategies & templates for contacting editors and clients

  • Discover how to set up varied income streams as a travel photographer

  • How to work with clients on campaigns, deliver files, and get repeat work!


It’s your guide to setting up an online print store and selling your beautiful photos! From curating collections, print lab research, logistics, and marketing through to site development, creating smooth sale processes, design and of course…launching your work out into the world!

This course was created due to numerous requests from The Wandering Lens community, and will allow photographers to take the next step and start selling prints. You’ll receive all the information necessary to launch a professional print store, whether it’s a dedicated online site, or selling via a third-party site like Etsy.

A print store should feel like stepping into any type of store, you want to showcase your talents, your products, and let the visuals take the customer on an experience into your creative vision - let’s work together to make your vision a reality!


  • 8 x workbooks filled with information + worksheets (scroll down for full module topics)

  • Course content available for immediate download

  • Downloadable workbooks, checklists + bonus SEO and site design guides

  • A step-by-step process to follow and implement

  • Support via a Facebook group to connect and ask questions

  • 1 x Print Store assessment (I’ll personally check your store and point out any things you may need to fix before launch) *Please note store assessments are only valid within 12 months of the program start date.



“The Print Store Launch Pad was a game-changer for me. I started my print store back in December 2020 and found the entire process incredibly daunting, there were many, many, many questions of "Why am I not getting sales", "How do I price my prints", "How do I market my print store".....the list goes on. I had no idea about the many in-depth moving parts that need to work cohesively together to ensure my print store succeeds. Every single module in this course has demystified the print store process for me, and I now have a business and marketing strategy to ensure my print store and photography business will be successful.”


“I will be forever grateful that I did the course with Lisa. It truly opened my lens and it taught me so many invaluable creative techniques that I still use today.  Being guided by her calm and very well thought-out course inspired a whole new creative passion. Thank you Lisa!”


“The past two months have been a game changer because of the clarity and support of this course. You have created an amazing resource, and more importantly, you have opened up the industry in a way that I have never seen anyone else do before - although I do of course know this is your style from previous courses! Having a sense of structure, direction and a ‘friend and mentor’ on my side has been key in being able to get myself motivated to pitch some of my images to a well-known publication.”


“I just wanted to say a massive thank you for your courses. They have given me so much help and confidence while moving my little business forward. The travel course has meant that I am now happy with my site and I have already been approached for two travel photography jobs and am working with a publisher to include specific images in a travel guide that is being published in the new year. None of this would not have happened without your guidance and support.”


“It helped me to find my vision, find my style and to because of that, I’ve built up my portfolio and am more focused now. The course will bring you so much clarity about your photography goals and help you implement them. I really liked the mix of photo techniques and the career opportunities.”


“I am constantly referring back to the information Lisa provided, and challenging myself in new ways with the content. I've been dabbling in photography for 20 years, and still learned some amazing new things from the early chapters on composition techniques. The content that I was most looking forward to - pursuing business in the industry - did not disappoint, but I found that the most helpful content for me was actually in honing my niche and portfolio. The curation exercises helped me identify my photographic style, and I noticed my work improve almost immediately. One of the biggest takeaways from this course was the chance to connect with other photographers around the world on social, to cheer each other on and form a little community of encouragement as we all pursue our photography goals.”


Can I start anytime?

Absolutely! All courses offered are designed to cater for all learning paces and styles. By joining the course, you receive instant access to the course pages and workbooks, however you can start/stop/finish/start again whenever you like! There’s no set start date for the course, and once you’ve joined, you will access a private Facebook group with like-minded photographers already taking part too!

Can I be based in the US and still do your courses?

You can be based anywhere and still do the courses - it’s all online! All you need is a computer or phone and access to WiFi to take part. There are no timed or scheduled elements to the course so it doesn’t matter what time zone you’re in, you can access the content whenever you need. All prices are noted in Australian dollars, the equivalent currency conversions are noted, however these change daily so please check for the current rate), it always looks more expensive to pay in Australian dollars however the $US is typically about half. At the time of writing this, the course is $460AUD, which is equal to $299US.

Do you offer support throughout the courses?

Yes, I love working with fellow photographers and helping them get started in the industry. Think of me as your friend who is happy to be emailed with questions or queries. While I don’t offer individual mentoring alongside this course, I am available if you have any questions about the course content, your career or want some quick feedback on your portfolio/website/photography. There’s also a private Facebook group in which you can ask questions to fellow course participants, or the wider The Wandering Lens community. Alternatively, you can join the exclusive group mentoring program offered only to course participants and alumni, this is an additional monthly fee.

What makes you qualified to teach?

I’ve been working as a full-time photographer for 18 years across various fields and with a large portfolio of clients. I’m a global OM SYSTEM (formerly Olympus) Ambassador, and have experience in publishing, media, branding, tourism marketing and in leading photography tours from Greenland to Australia.

You’ll find my portfolio available to view here. I always like to think the right people will find me, I’d rather we align on our approach to photography, than try and force you to do a course that you’re not feeling. If you’re inspired by my work and want to learn how to get creative with your photography or begin a career as a photographer, I’d love to be a part of your journey and look forward to seeing your work!

Do I need experience, or can I learn as a beginner?

The courses are designed for those seeking to further their career in photography. You may be just starting out and seeking direction, or perhaps you’ve already tried approaching magazines or clients but have had no luck. You don’t need to be a professional photographer to do the courses, they will provide information, insights and direction to help you at any stage of your journey. You’re welcome to reach out via email to chat directly about whether or not this course is right for you. Contact with any questions.

I don’t travel much, will I still see benefits?

Absolutely yes! The Freelance Travel Photographer Course focuses on blending a freelance career with your lifestyle, responsibilities and commitments. You might wish to dabble while also having another career, a family, or you may be keen to go all in because you’re free as a bird and setting off to live abroad or travel far and wide. If you’re not able to travel full-time you can work locally with AirBnb, hotels and tourism boards, or work with clients and publications during a holiday. Every year of my 17-year career has been different. Some years I’m travelling 80% of the year, other years I’m home 80% of the time and working from a home office editing and selling photos from previous trips. You can create the lifestyle you want with various income streams and opportunities – I share how within this course (I hate sounding like an infomercial ha!)

Why isn’t it video based?

We all learn differently, and also, teach differently. I love to share experiences in person, teaching 1-1 or in small groups while travelling on photo tours, and also teach better writing everything down as I’m a trained journalist. I can assure you, I don’t teach better on video – I get the stress sweats and am too nervous on camera haha. All course content is instead offered in downloadable PDF workbooks and you’ll find module introduction pages and notes within the course website. I’ve filled them with everything I know on the workbook topics and love designing them to make them pretty, informative and inspiring. They’re yours to download and read through quickly or slowly if you prefer – everyone reads and learns at various paces so these workbooks have been created with that in mind.

Can you guarantee I’ll get work or published after doing your course?

No, and any course promising that should be avoided. Getting published is at every editor’s discretion, I allow all participants of The Freelance Travel Photographer Course the chance to pitch to get published on The Wandering Lens as a test, I might say yes, or you can use it as great experience before approaching your dream publication. As with any career, you need to put in the work yourself to ensure you’ve got the skills and ability to deliver on your photography services and have the portfolio that attracts editors or clients.


If you have any questions about any, or all of the courses, please get in touch with Lisa directly to chat about your photography and see what might be the right step or learning path for you. Email or DM via Instagram @travelphotographycourses

The Master Creative Course Collection
One time
For 3 months

(Approx $625 USD/ 501 GBP) ON SALE 24HRS Regular price $960. Prepare for a creative career + boost your skills from composition to working on brand campaigns. This master collection of courses bundle includes enrolment in all 3 x courses offered by The Wandering Lens. Receive access to: The 3-Week Composition Reset, The Freelance Travel Photographer Course, and The Print Store Launch Pad with the freedom to learn at your own pace, access downloadable workbooks and creative guides at any time.

✓ A full education on working as a freelance photographer
✓ Creative guidance to improve your photography and get paid!
✓ Learn how to work with clients, find work and get published
✓ Discover how to sell, market and print your work
✓ Get prepared for a creative career as a photographer!

Mentoring + Portfolio Reviews


Group Mentoring Program - The Creative Core