Expand your creative horizons, gain confidence with your photography and open the door to opportunities!

Announcement - Hip, hip hooray!

There’s a new type of camera club and you’re welcome to join! ‘The Travel Photography Club’ is a members-only space filled with inspiring conversations, exclusive content, itineraries, resources and monthly creative challenges aimed to boost your photographic skills and professional opportunities.

Online creative resources and courses for travel and landscape photographers. Learn from international travel photographer Lisa Michele Burns of The Wandering Lens, OM SYSTEM Ambassador.

Boost your creative vision, find direction as a photographer, learn to edit or pitch, get published & find clients suited to your unique skills. You may even wish to discover your path to a freelance career in travel photography - anything is possible!

Boost your creativity

Develop your skills as a travel photographer

Generate multiple income streams

Pitch to publications and clients.


Notes, musings, and advice on topics for travel photographers. A peek behind the scenes with career stories, travel adventures (and misadventures), interviews and photographer features, the journal is a source of creative inspiration for those who seek to explore, experience and visually document the world.

Join a global creative community

of like-minded photographers!

The Travel Photography Club is a members-only space filled with inspiring conversations, exclusive content, and monthly creative challenges aimed to boost your photographic skills, travel plans and professional opportunities.

Your annual membership provides access to the following:

  • The members-only area filled with a library of downloadable creative resources, eBooks and travel itineraries for photographers

  • Access to ‘The Edit’ with monthly editions released on the first day of each month featuring creative challenges, career prompts and editing insights (plus the occasional competition)

  • Creative + career advice for travel photographers (beginners + professionals are welcome, there are resource for all levels)

  • A members-only discount on all courses + resources offered by The Wandering Lens, plus VIP invites to all future tours and photo walks.

  • The chance to have your images reviewed with constructive feedback

  • and the best part…a private chat forum where we can discuss and talk all things travel, photography, gear, editing, industry news and more.

Join for a year and use the membership to improve your photography + get travel tips with access to new resources every month!

The Travel Photography Club - Annual Membership
Every year

Join The Travel Photography Club and gain access to a members-only space filled with inspiring conversations, exclusive content, and monthly creative challenges aimed to boost your photographic skills and professional opportunities. The Annual Membership fee is $120 AUD per year or approx US$74 ( which is around $10 AUD per month / $6.20 USD).

Member Feedback on The Travel Photography Club

There is so much in there - inspiration, creative challenges, resources, travel itineraries, industry tips, editing help and more.  I have been looking for a place like this where I can grow as a photographer with an awesome mentor and a super supportive and helpful international community.  I’m loving it!” - Sue, Australia.

Student Feedback - The Freelance Travel Photographer Course

The past 2 months have been a game changer because of the clarity and support of this course. You have created an amazing resource, and more importantly, you have opened up the industry in a way that I have never seen anyone else do before - although I do of course know this is your style from previous courses!! Having a sense of structure, direction and a ‘friend and mentor’ on my side has been key in being able to get myself motivated to pitch some of my images to a well-known publication.” Rae, UK.

Explore the archives of The Wandering Lens

Photography Career Advice + Articles

Creative Photography Tips + Techniques

Is a travel photography career

in your future?

  • Learn how your work fits in the tourism industry

  • How to pitch or approach potential clients

  • Build a portfolio that attracts the right people

  • Generate multiple income streams and create longevity in the industry as a travel photographer

This course shares industry insights, creative career advice and covers everything you need to know to work as a travel photographer.


Need a creative refresh?

Join The 3-Week Composition Reset!

Designed to guide you through the process of learning to see the details within a scene, to improve your composition skills and refresh your approach to photography, this short course is self-paced, with downloadable course notes and workbooks.

Learn anywhere, anytime - no time pressure!

  • An Introduction to Composition + Seeing a Scene

  • Composition Rules + Creative Techniques

  • Your Creative Vision and Approach to Photography

  • Creative Challenges to boost your Photographic Eye

*3 weeks is a suggested guideline, you’ll have lifetime access and can work at your own pace.


Browse the growing library of eBooks, travel guides, and workbooks to assist in your travel photography adventures or career.


Begin your creative career & learn online with downloadable workbooks - no time pressure!